Saturday 31 December 2011

Few things I'm greatful for

Here we are, the last day of the year 2011. It's been a good one and I wanted to list a few things I'm greatful for.

(going from left to right, from top to bottom)

1. Friends (moving to the other side of the world has made me miss my friends more than I could have even thought of. There are not enough words to describe the pain I feel when I think of my friends back home and how much I miss them. I am truly lucky to have so amazing friends.)

2. The cold winter in Finland (didn't think I would ever say that, maybe I'm just hallusinating because it is so hot in here at the moment)

3. The beautiful spring in Australia (I wish it was always spring here)

4. My yellow bike (can't really even remember life before it)

5. Grandparents who adore their grandchildren and great grandchildren

6. Skype (being able to talk to the other side of the world for free is an amazing blessing, and getting pictures my dad has taken during our conversations is just extra nice)

7. & 8. Small apartment and a house (it doesn't matter where you live, as long as you have a home. Home is always nice to go to)

9. 4 generations of women (I cherish my history and am so greatful for everything my parents and grandparents have taught me)

10. My gran (she's my idol)

11. My husband and the father of my daughter (there is so much love in him that it astonishes me, he is my best friend and he makes me a better person)

12. Our family

13. Pool (I am so greatful to have a pool very close to us, to have a child who LOVES water and to be able to go there every week, it is one of the high lights of our weeks)

14. Finland world champions in ice hockey 2011 (call me silly, but I went nuts when we won, just like the rest of the Finland. This really is one of my high lights of this year.)

15. Temple (I am so greatful to have a temple so close to us, it brings me so much peace and joy)

16. My little Emma (she is the sunshine and the storm in my day. Only she can make me laugh and frustrated
both in 5 minutes. It's not only she who grows, I am growing with her. Every day. Every moment. Bless her heart. My baby)


  1. Always great to count our blessings, both big and small........

    Wishing you a wonderful 2012

    Claire :}

  2. Thank you and like wise, hope you'll have a great 2012!


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