Thursday 19 May 2011

Long waited victory and not expected virus

I can't imagine a better start of a week than to hear that Finland is the world champion in ice hockey. Let me explain you; if i would have to list memories from my childhood, one of the top memories is 1995 and Finland winning the ice hockey world championship (yep, even after 16 years I remember it so well). We are ice hockey people (not all, i know, but I am). And it was a huge deal when we won it back in 1995, so you can (hopefully you can) imagine the excitement now that it happened again after 16 years. The whole country went crazy and trust me, I went crazy too. Crazy with joy!

I watched every video related to the game from you tube, since I couldn't watch the game on tv. I wore my husbands SUOMI t-shirt for two days even though it was dirty. I baked raspberry cupcakes (nothing to do with Finland really, I just had to make some because I was so excited). I am so proud to be a Finn and I bet this is one of those events that Finns are going to remember a long time (like 1995 victory).

Then on Tuesday evening the virus hit. It hit Emma. She vomited and yes, we were driving so she got the car covered. This morning she vomited in our bed. (yeah don't worry, no pictures of this.) So I have been cleaning and washing; the car, the bed, all clothes and sheets and Emma herself. And if that wasn't enough, poor thing fell yesterday and hit her head pretty bad (yes I will provide a picture of her bruised head).

It might not look so bad in the picture, but she reminded me of a unicorn with one horn in the middle of her forehead. So I decided it was time for her to get some socks with non-slipping bottoms too. Remember I made some for her cousin a while ago, here.

So here I go, back to put some more washing on the line.

1 comment:

  1. Siis tossa Suomen voitossa oli mun mielestä kaikkein hienointa se että turpiin ottava joukkue kultamitali pelissä oli Ruotsi, keillä oli ehkä niiden historian yks ylimielisimmistä joukkueista kisoissa. Ja se miten paljon Ruotsin media hehkutti et miten Ruotsi voittaa Suomen taas 100-0 jne. Ja sit Suomi tulee ja viimeistelee tulokseksi 1-6!!

    Oikeesti useimmiten säälittää sen häviäjä joukkueen pelaajat kun kattelee niiden musertuneita kasvoja pelin jälkeen mut tässä tapauksessa niistä niiden fanien ja pelaajien kasvoista sai nautintoa :D

    Kunnon kristityt liikkeellä taas... :)


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