Saturday 24 November 2012

Mini holiday

Mini vacation in the big Perth city for me and the kids while daddy was doing a course at the academy. We don't go to the city that often, so it was nice to wonder around there. Not so easy to take pictures with two kids though, couldn't even change the setting to get some colourful pictures. Oh well we truly enjoyed ourselves even though I am in the need of another holiday just so I could rest from this holiday.

Life is happy when on your holiday you can eat sushi as often as you want, have a clean room every day without having to clean it, hearing Christmas music in the shops and buying new geeky glasses. I am focusing here on the good memories instead of all the screaming in the car, wetting pants in the shops, having such a sore back after carrying the little on all day long, running away and chasing episodes. Oh the joyous life of trying to do things on your own with two kids. I'm defiitely still trying to find my way.

But what made our holiday absolutely the best, was all the time we got to spend with our cousins.


  1. Kivanoloinen miniloma teillä! Pienten kanssa sattuu ja tapahtuu aina tosiaan kaikenlaista, mikä kannattaa unohtaa saman tien, niin jää tosiaan vaan kivoja lomamuistoja. Vauva näyttää kyllä kovasti vanhemmalta.

  2. Joo päälimmäiseksi tuntuu kuitenkin jäävän kaikki hyvät asiat, ei sitä muuten jaksais :)


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