Sunday, 2 September 2012

I want to be like daddy - dress

It is Father's day in Australia and it is needless to say (but I'm going to say it anyway) that our little girl is her father's biggest fan. Last night we made him a card, we made him a goodie bag for work with all his favorite treats (as he had to work today) and wrapped the presents. Then after daddy's little girl was fast asleep, I thought what next? And so this super easy and quick I want to be like daddy - dress was born.

I thought, how nice would it be for her to prance around all Father's day wearing a dress that is made of daddy's old shirt! Perfect way to also recycle a shirt that he isn't going wearing anymore. And daddy thought she looked super duper cute.

Here's a how to picture:

1. As you can see, I used her other dress to get the right size. First thing is to cut it the right length.

2. Then cut the sides and the arm holes. I wanted this dress to be a sleeveless. Remember to leave about 1cm-2cm seam allowance.

3. Finish the arm holes. I just used an overlocker, because I was lazy and wanted to finish the dress quick. Then sew the sides together, remember to have the right sides together. And lastly finish the hem. Again I just went around with my overlocker.

That is it! How easy and quick was that!?? Well I did make a belt for the dress too which took a bit more time, but that's a totally different tutorial. You could just use an already existing belt or not wear a belt at all, looks cute that way too!


  1. Kaunis mekko! Se on tuo klassinen ruutu ja harmaa:) Plussaa tyttömäisestä röyhelövyöstä!

    1. Joo kyllä se tarvitsi sen vyön, jotta oli tyttömäinen. Kiitos kovasti kommentista!

  2. Mahtava idea ja näyttää suht helpolta...?! Paitsi tuo hieno vyöosuus! <3 Suvi

    1. Haha, ja se vyöosuus on myös helppo, en vaan jaksanut siitä enää ruveta ohjeita väsäämään puolilta öin. :)

  3. Just mahtava :) Olen useemminkin käyny katselemassa näitä sun tekeleitäs - mikä mielikuvitus ja asenne. TYKKÄÄN!

    PS. mahdatko muistaa ....olen "se paksumahainen Kaija" taannoiselta Okl:n yrittäjyys-kurssilta :)

    1. Kiitos Kaija! Todellakin muistan! Yrittäjyyskurssi oli niin mahtis, ettei sua sieltä millään voi unohtaa. :)


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