Thursday, 15 March 2012

Week of hats - crochet cap

This beanie is Emma's favorite. I've made a few and she keeps pulling them on and trying them out. And with the brim, she looks very hip. She's learned to draw circles, hence the paper full of them. She just keeps drawing and drawing, I'm quite impressed. The paper actually looks like something I might have doodled during a phone call.

But more exciting than this beanie and the drawing (well maybe more exciting than the drawing) is what's at the back of the beanie.

Yay, it's my own little sign. It looks so cool with it in my opinion. I think I have to do some sort of instructions on how to make these tags, because when I started doing them, I couldn't remember how I did it last time. Remind me, I need them instructions for myself.

P.S I've got something exciting to share for you all tomorrow...


  1. Ja eikun paranee vain! Ihana hattu! Ja mahtava tuo merkki. Pliis tee tutorial siitä miten tuon teet!

  2. Sä oot vaan liian taitava! Ihan sairaan hienoja! Jos saisin toivoa, niin haluaisin tämän päivän mallisen pipon. Ihan pro kamaa merkkeine päivineen! Oot ihailtava <3 Suvi

  3. Odota muutama tunti niin saat toivoa!

  4. Oj, tajusin just, että pojallani ei tule kesä ilman tällaista! Miten hieno!

  5. Paljollako myyt tällaisen? :)

    1. Kymmenen aussi dollaria on täällä putiikissa niiden hinta. Eli Suomen euroissa se ois sit inasen vähemmän.


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