Monday, 12 September 2011

Window art

I love blogs. I get a lot of inspiration from what other people have made. So I thought I'd share every once in a while an idea that someone has done and then hopefully I've tried it too.

So today I want to share the blog The Artful Parent with you. Jean is amazing mother to two girls and shows in her blog all sorts of artful things that they do together. I love her blog and I love all the projects they do. She's an inspiration to me and I want to try to be more like her.

My inspiration was this flower door. Now my little miss is still a bit too young to do this sort of activity and I don't have a door like Jean does, but that didn't stop me from trying this out. I sometimes pick up my friends kids from school and have them around until she gets home from work. And these kids were just perfect to do me some nice window art.

Oh it was so much fun, and so quick. The kids loved it and I agreed with them that the result was amazing. And since it's spring time here, all the pretty flowers are everywhere. I don't know how long they'll stay good on the window but I think it's all worth it even if I get to see the pretty flowers on my window for only a week.

Hope you're all having a wonderful Monday and a good start of the week. We're enjoying the beautiful spring days!


  1. Kaunis!
    Me olemme joskus yrittäneet vähän vastaavaa: saada kahden kontaktimuovin väliin syksyn lehtiä. Se on vaikeaa. Kiitos helpommasta tavasta. Ehkä meillä on parin viikon päästä syysikkuna (ihan epäreilua että täällä ei ole kevät!)

  2. Joo syysikkuna näyttäisi aivan varmasti kauniilta. Lasten oli vaikea ymmärtää, ettei kovin paksuja juttuja voi sinne laittaa, että siinä tuli vähän ongelmaa, mutta eipä tuo niin haitannut, kun ei sen ikuisuuksia tarvitse kestää.


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