
Tuesday, 20 December 2011


I am finally getting our house in the Christmas atmosphere. Call me going to the extremes, but our house is not having any Santas or Raindeers this Christmas. It's rather easy since it's our first Christmas in Australia together and we don't really have anything. But I have really enjoyed it and I hope it stays like that for the future Christmases too.

I made these little nativity candels to remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. I printed the pictures, but for some reason our printer wasn't co-operating with me, hence all the see through spots everywhere. You can't really see them if you don't look too close. Should have taken the picture further away too, ding it.

I have thought a lot about kids and Santa this Christmas. Whenever I'm in the shops I seem to hear parents saying to their children "Maybe you should ask Santa to get it for you", "Remember that Santa has elfs all around watching, you better behave" etc. And then I remember the story that my brothers tell me about how I found out that Santa wasn't real and how hard I cried.

So, the more I hear the parents in the shops and the more I think about what Christmas is all about, I think I don't want my child to believe in Santa. Is that cruel of me? Maybe it will change, I don't know. But that's how I feel at the moment. I'd much rather teach her about Christs birth and make her understand why we celebrate Christmas than for her to believe that Santa brings loads of presents during the night.

I love the nativity, I love all the different ways that it is portrayed. Last weekend we went to sing carols by candel light in Perth, took a couple of pictures in different nativity sets and got in the Christmas mood. This one is a small part of our extended family at one of those nativity sets.

Hope you're enjoying this Christmas season.


  1. Ihanan tunnelmallisia kynttilöitä.

    t: rva Kepponen

  2. Heippa pitkästä aikaa! Mä en ole oikein ehtinyt netissä hengailla ja nyt pääsin vihdoin! Ihania joululahjavinkkejä yms sulla täällä! Kyllä pukkikeskeisyys ahdistaa täälläkin! Oikein ihanaa joulua! Ehditäänköhän huomenna skypetellä... <3 Suvi

  3. Kiits. Ehditään varmaan suvi, koitan olla online aina kun ollaan kotona. Mennään laulukierrokselle jossain vaiheessa päivää huomenna, mut muuten ei oo mitään erityistä.

  4. Moi! Voi ei... mulla ei ollutkaan aikaa olla koneella, kun oltiin koko päivä menossa. Milloinkohan onnistuis?? Suvi


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