My inner knitting cycle is totally wacked out. When it started getting cooler here in last May I found myself thinking Christmas presents and knitting ideas, because that's what I've always done when the temperatures start decresing. Now it's getting warmer but I feel like knitting again, because I've started to see Christmas pictures around.
This is what I made, and I can't give it to anyone here for Christmas because it's too hot and it would be pure madness. So most likely someone back home will get this soft package.
Oh I am so excited. Isn't it awesome. It's my first time I've written knitting instructions so be nice, but do ask if there's something you don't understand.
What I really wanted to make was blanket with this patern, but I wasn't sure how it would work out, so I thought I'd knit something smaller first, hence the scarf. There's a lot of people who've crochet chevron blankets but I wanted to try knitting the patern. I've written the instructions in English and Finnish so take your pick and go for it. It's easy!
I used 8 ply, Needles
quality knitting yarn, 100% acrylic. You could definitely use something with
wool in it, I just used what I could get in this little town and that’s not
1 ball (100g) of grey
and 1 ball (100g) of white
25 stitches = 10cm
4mm/ 6 (US)
10,5cm x 2,25m
4" x 89"
Cast on 27 stitches
with grey. Repeat rows 1 and 2. Change colours after every 4 rows.
Row 1: k1, sl1,
k1, psso (slip1, knit1, pass the slipped stitch over), k3, M1, k1, M1, k5, sl2,
k1, psso, k5, M1, k1, M1, k3, k2tog, k1
Row 2: Knit normally,
knit stitches through the back loop where you have
added stitches to avoid holes.
8ply Needles, Quality Knitting Yarn, 100% acrylic lankaa, mutta yhtä hyvin
voisi käyttää villaista lankaa, esim. seitsemää veljestä.
Langan menekki:
harmaata ja 100g valkoista.
25 s
ainaoikein-neuletta = 10cm
4 tai
käsialan mukaan
10,5cm x 2,25m
harmaalla 27 silmukkaa. Toista 1. ja 2. kerrosta. Vaihda väriä aina neljän
kerroksen jälkeen.
neulo 1 s, nosta 1 s neulomatta, neulo 1 s ja vedä nostettu s neulotun yli.
Neulo 3 s, lisää 1 s tekemällä langankierto puikolle, neulo 1 s, lisää 1 s
tekemällä langankierto puikolle. Neulo 5 s. Nosta 2 s neulomatta, neulo 1 s ja
vedä nostetut s:t neulotun yli. Neulo 5 s. Lisää 1 s tekemällä langankierto
puikolle, neulo 1 s ja lisää 1 s langankierrolla. Neulo 3 s ja neulo 2 s oikein
yhteen, neulo 1 s.
neulo kaikki oikein. Neulo langankierrot silmukan takareunasta, jotta lisäysten
kohdalle ei synny reikää.