
Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Happy (late) Easter

Yay for family oriented Easter, lots of kilometers traveled and some crafts too. My husband had to work half of the Easter so I was enjoying scrapbooking (which I haven't done in a looooong time) (yes I'll post those pages I made soon, but not now) The other half of the Easter we spent with family. We had a lovely picnic in the park and I got to meet some more family that I haven't met before. What awesome people.

I also made an Easter bunny for my precious missy, since it was her first Easter.

The tutorial for the bunny is from here, though now that I went to look for it so that I could have put a straight link to it, I couldn't find it. So go figure, hopefully you'll find it.

Emma thought the ears were the best and then when she saw the camera she started heading for that. So technology is for some reason much more interesting than toys. How was your Easter?


  1. So cute! Both; bunny and little missy.

  2. Suloinen pupunen - ja muistan, että pitkät korvat pehmolla on ehdotonta plussaa; aikanaan ompelin omille lapsilleni puput myös. Siis vaikka en oikeastaan yhtään osaa ommella, enkä paljon muuta ole ommellutkaan :) Että oltais enemmän mun omalla alueellani, alankin tässä odotella niitä skräppisivuja näytille...


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