
Monday, 22 November 2010

Jotain itselleni - something for myself

Näin tämän ihana pannan ja päätin tehdä itselleni samanlaisen. Taas näitä nopeita projekteja, mutta kiva on.

I saw this wonderful thing and decided to one for myself. Again one of these quick projects, but it's very nice.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

First snow

Isn't it funny how you forget almost all the feelings to do with winter during the summer and autumn. I do at least. Then when the first snow falls on the ground it looks so magical everywhere and you can't wait to get out there to enjoy the beautiful snow. But pretty soon after getting out there it reminds of it's dangers. I almost fell over 8 times with 1km distance to univesity, I felt absolutely freezing and got cold couple of days later.

Still winter is beautiful in the pictures. I'll also participate in this weeks photo challenge with this photo. The heart shape edges to the picture are done with a toilet paper roll. Have a great coming week everyone.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Väriä syksyyn - colour to the autumn

Syksy pimenee pimenemistään ja minä yritän pysyä pirteänä ja iloisena kaiken kiireen keskellä. Nämä värit ovat vähän liian räikeät silti minulle, mutta onneksi ne tulevatkin lahjaksi yhdelle värikkäimmistä ystävistäni. Kuvassa värit ovat hieman liian laimeat... Tuo vihreä varsinkin on ihan väärä, se on nimittäin aivan kirkkaan vihreä! Päätin tehdä nämä perinteiset palasukat, koska halusin tehdä nopean yhden illan projektin, eli nopeaksi työksi suosittelen. Helmineuloksella neulottu muuten. Meidän syksy löytyy täältä.

Autumn is getting darker and darker and I'm trying to stay cheerful and happy among all the rush. These colours are a bit too bright for me but luckily they are for one of my most colourful friend. The colours aren't as bright in the picture as they are in real, especially the green is totally different in the picture. It's actually really bright! I decided to do these traditional square socks because I wanted to do an one evening project. Our autumn is found here.


Over too quickly.
I don't know if I'm really ready for the winter yet.
I would like autumn to last a bit longer,
but the leaves are all gone.

Monday, 15 November 2010

"I love my dad" - Emma 2,5 months

I'm sure that is what she would say if she could talk. She's such a dad fan, adores him really. Everytime she sees him she gets a big smile on her face. With me she sometimes thinks for a while before smiling but with dad it's a smile straight away. So of course we had to make a present for dad with her. It wasn't the easiest job but if you want to see it go and check it here (yes you can see it in the picture top but there's also the awesome card that we made for him in the other place).

We have this tradition (or we are trying to make it a tradition) that everytime it's someone's birthday or nameday or some other special day like the Fathers day today that we make breakfast in bed. This tradition has originated from my friend Suvi's family who've done it for centuries (thank you Suvi for making it my tradition too). The breakfast is not just any type of breakfast; you put things on bread that you normally might not or then you make them somehow else funky. Should have taken a picture to explain, maybe next time. Do you have any traditions for Fathers day for example? Or any other traditions to that matter?

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Ensimmäinen isänpäivä - first Fathersday

Ensimmäinen isänpäivä ja totta kai lahjan täytyy olla itsetehty tyttäreltä isälle. Kuitenkin tuo neidin nuori ikä asetti jonkinlaisia rajoitteita sille, mitä hän voi tehdä. Niinpä äidin avustuksella painoimme Emman kädenjäljet kankaalle (joka on muuten siitä vanhasta t-paisastani), leikkasimme sen sydämen muotoon ja ompelimme t-paitaan sydämen kohdalle. Isi oli ikionnellinen!

First Fathersday and of course the present had to be self made. It's just that there's only so many things you can do with a 2,5month old. So with a little help from mum, we pressed Emma's handprints on fabric (which by the way is from my old t-shirt again). Then we cut it in a heart shape and sewed it onto a t-shirt where the heart belongs. Daddy was very happy.

Ja tietenkin vielä kaunis kukkakortti lahjan kanssa. Pappa sai samanlaisen. Ei muuten ole helpointa hommaa tuo 2,5kk käden painaminen. Ehkä jalka olisi onnistunut paremmin... Täältä läytyy meidän perheen isänpäivästä enemmän.

And of course a beautiful flower card to go with the present. It's not the easiest job to paint that little hand and get it onto a material or paper. Maybe a foot would have been easier... Here you can find more about our family's Fathersday

Friday, 12 November 2010

Some nights...

...are not as good as others. Last night was one of those nights when Emma didn't agree with mummy and daddy about the time to go to bed. Or then she just prefered dad over the bed. Even though the days are getting darker earlier and our family is not too happy about that, I still love the mood that having only one light on creates in our little appartment. I think this picture shows that mood very well; everything is quiet (for a moment), one light on in the dark evening and one dad going up and down trying to make one little girl to go to sleep.

I also thought that this photo is good for this weeks photo challenge which was to capture movement. I've been trying to get those type of photos all week but my camera hasn't really been co-operating. So I think this is the best I got.

Then I told them to stop moving and look at the camera. 

Monday, 8 November 2010

Friday, 5 November 2010

Today was a good day

Today was a good day.
We bathed in the sun.
Looked at pink clouds passing by.
Enjoyed being together.
And cuddled.

Would you believe that these pictures were taken in November? 
Beautiful day.

Our new hobby

I was too impatient to wait. I know you're suppose to be 3 months at least when you start babyswimming (and 6 months in Australia if I've understood correctly (correct me if I'm wrong)). We'll we just turned 2 months and I was confident that we are old enough and brave enough. And who would have known EMMA LOVED IT for the first 15 minutes... But even that 15 minutes was so worth it. Look out swimming pools, we're coming every week!

Muutoksia - changes

Last spring while waiting for my first child I decided to start a blog. The idea was to post those craft things that I have done. Since getting into this blogging world and since our daughter was born I've been wanting to write more about everyday life, sharing my experiences as being a mother, writing down all the ups and downs. I realised that helmihandmade is not the place to do that and that's why I will keep this blog totally as a blog where I post those things that I create and  in OUR CUDDLES I can just rattle on and get lost in other things.

So go ahead, feel free to go and have a look. Hope to see you there too!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

This is me and my family

Last spring while waiting for my first child I decided to start a blog. The idea was to post those craft things that I have done. Since getting into this blogging world and since our daughter was born I've been wanting to write more about everyday life, sharing my experiences as being a mother, writing down all the ups and downs. I realised that helmihandmade is not the place to do that and that's why I will keep that totally as a blog where I post those things that I create and here I can just rattle on and get lost in other things.

Please feel free to join in and add your lovely thoughts and comments.

This is my family. 
Me, my husband Jeremy and my daughter Emma.
They are the most precious to me.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Pyykkipäivä jokapäivä - washing day every day

Voi tätä syksyä, se menee ihan liian nopeasti. Nyt on jo marraskuu ja yliopistohommia on ihan liiaksi. Tuntuu että ne eivät lopu koskaan, kun taas aika tuntuu loppuvan. Pyykkiäkin tuntuu tulevan kauheat määrät tällä hetkellä vaan mistä löytyisi niiden pesemiselle aikaa. Mutta meilläpä on ihana isi, joka hoitaa ja huoltaa pyykkivuorta ja äitiä ja Emmaa. Kiitos isille.

This autumn is going way too fast. It's already November and I have still so much to do in uni. I feel like the work never ends even though time seems to be running out. It also feels like there's huge amount of washing all the time. But we're lucky to have an awesome daddy who takes care of the washing mountain and mummy and Emma. Thank you daddy!