Thursday 27 October 2011

Chevron scarf with instructions!

My inner knitting cycle is totally wacked out. When it started getting cooler here in last May I found myself thinking Christmas presents and knitting ideas, because that's what I've always done when the temperatures start decresing. Now it's getting warmer but I feel like knitting again, because I've started to see Christmas pictures around. 

This is what I made, and I can't give it to anyone here for Christmas because it's too hot and it would be pure madness. So most likely someone back home will get this soft package.

Oh I am so excited. Isn't it awesome. It's my first time I've written knitting instructions so be nice, but do ask if there's something you don't understand. 

What I really wanted to make was blanket with this patern, but I wasn't sure how it would work out, so I thought I'd knit something smaller first, hence the scarf. There's a lot of people who've crochet chevron blankets but I wanted to try knitting the patern. I've written the instructions in English and Finnish so take your pick and go for it. It's easy!

Chevron scarf

I used 8 ply, Needles quality knitting yarn, 100% acrylic. You could definitely use something with wool in it, I just used what I could get in this little town and that’s not much.

1 ball (100g) of grey and 1 ball (100g) of white

25 stitches = 10cm

4mm/ 6 (US)

10,5cm x 2,25m 
4" x 89"


Cast on 27 stitches with grey. Repeat rows 1 and 2. Change colours after every 4 rows.

Row 1: k1, sl1, k1, psso (slip1, knit1, pass the slipped stitch over), k3, M1, k1, M1, k5, sl2, k1, psso, k5, M1, k1, M1, k3, k2tog, k1

Row 2: Knit normally, knit stitches through the back loop where you have added stitches to avoid holes.

Chevron kaulaliina

Käytin 8ply Needles, Quality Knitting Yarn, 100% acrylic lankaa, mutta yhtä hyvin voisi käyttää villaista lankaa, esim. seitsemää veljestä.

Langan menekki:
100g harmaata ja 100g valkoista.

25 s ainaoikein-neuletta = 10cm

4 tai käsialan mukaan

10,5cm x 2,25m


Luo harmaalla 27 silmukkaa. Toista 1. ja 2. kerrosta. Vaihda väriä aina neljän kerroksen jälkeen.

1krs: neulo 1 s, nosta 1 s neulomatta, neulo 1 s ja vedä nostettu s neulotun yli. Neulo 3 s, lisää 1 s tekemällä langankierto puikolle, neulo 1 s, lisää 1 s tekemällä langankierto puikolle. Neulo 5 s. Nosta 2 s neulomatta, neulo 1 s ja vedä nostetut s:t neulotun yli. Neulo 5 s. Lisää 1 s tekemällä langankierto puikolle, neulo 1 s ja lisää 1 s langankierrolla. Neulo 3 s ja neulo 2 s oikein yhteen, neulo 1 s.

2krs: neulo kaikki oikein. Neulo langankierrot silmukan takareunasta, jotta lisäysten kohdalle ei synny reikää.


  1. This scarf is gorgeous!! I'm going to put it on my to-do list once my sewing bug disappears, and I feel the need to play with yarn. Thank you!

  2. How fabulous! It's definitely on my to do list.
    Not sure what you mean by "knit stitches through the back loop where you have added stitches to avoid holes."? Might need to ask someone about that.

  3. Love this! I'm headed to search through my stash right now and see if I have anything suitable on hand. We must be on the same wave length because I've been thinking about making a chevron scarf for weeks (chevrons are everywhere this season) but thought I might have to crochet it. But I'd much rather knit. So excited to try this!

  4. Ooooo I want to make one now... I crocheted a chevron cushion the other week... I'm loving the chevron thing at the moment :)

  5. Looks really good! :) I've never knitted anything particularly patterned... I've got this one book marked. Thanks! :)

  6. Your scarf is beautiful, love black and white!

  7. Hauskan näköinen, nappaan heti puikoille kunhan keskeneräisten kutomusten kassiin tulee vähän tilaa (toivottavasti ennen joulua) :)

  8. This looks great! I'm going to give it a try...

  9. ...oh, and kiitos for the instructions :)

  10. Ooohh, this looks SO awesome (like everything you do :) If I have time, I'll try this, either wool or cotton thread... thanks for the instructions!!!

    (p.s. this scarf addict would be happy to wear that in the Finnish winter ;)

  11. beautiful! perfect for Icelandic winter ;)

  12. Thanks so much for all the lovely comments. It's really easy to make and I like it too so I'm glad I got to share it with you.

  13. On row 2 knit normally does that mean k1 all across ? thanks


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